Saturday, November 3, 2007

China Trip Pictures

Just wanted to share some of my China Pictures ....

Wanna go to the Airport or Disney Land?

Immigration through the "special car" lane which was sooooooo very long... we decided to walk through and that way the driver could go through the short line!

Sorry for the blurry-ness. This is Hong Kong from the harbor at night.

Along the HK Harbor during the day.

Need to Potty? Just how bad do you really need to go? Yes girls, this is YOUR potty! (at the office) I am sooooo grateful that I was born in the US in the this day and time where we sit on a nice little stool to take care of business. This is, by the way, a very nice place to "squat".... I have been into many factories where it is nothing more than a hole in the ground... gross! I know, how dare I post a picture of the Bathroom!
I just want all of you to know what you are missing on the other side of the world.
P.S. There are "normal stools" in the other stalls :)


Mamapierce said...

Yes, the toilet which I delicately named "the squatter". Such fun memories...